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How to gather diagnostic information from a Tandberg LTO-4 StorageLoader before submitting a call to Tandberg
Published Date : 25 Jun 2009   Last Updated : 04 Oct 2024   Content Ref: TEC1462552  


This article is for gathering logs to diagnose issues concerning a Tandberg LTO-4 StorageLoader™.


To generate these files, it is necessary to log on to the Tandberg StorageLoader's Web front end. To do this, you will need to know the IP address given to the StorageLoader when it was installed. Please refer to the original installation documentation to find this out if it is unknown.

Note: To access the Tandberg StorageLoader's Web front end, the port must be accessed via a 10/100Mb switch or configure a port to 10Mb. The interace will not be available if connecting via 1GB switch.


  1. At a server, open a browser window and browse to the IP address of the StorageLoader.
  2. At the first screen, click Logon.
  3. Enter the username and password (by default, it is administrator and <blank>, the username is case sensitive).
  4. Click Maintenance and then click Debugging (see the image below).
Click to view a larger image

To save the event logs
  1. Click the 'Event log' button to view the StorageLoader event logs.
  2. To save the event logs to the local hard disk, click the Download Log button.
Click to view a larger image

  1. Choose Save when prompted and browse to a suitable location on the server to save the file.
  2. Click OK to save it.

To save the Memory dump
  1. Referring to the first image above, click the 'Memory dump' button (not the Memory dump (drive) button).
  2. In the File Download pop-up window, click Save (see below) and browse to a suitable location on the server to save the file.
Click to view a larger image

  1. Click OK.

The files are now ready.

Download and run the library and tape tool software
You can also test the function of the internal tape drive using the HP StorageWorks Library and Tape Tool (L&TT) which is available in TEC1903309 in the Other Useful Articles section below.

Other Useful Articles

Diagnostic tool for Tandberg autoloaders (TEC1903309)

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If this article has not helped provide a solution then it is also possible to log a call...

Document Keywords: lto4, tandberg, tape, TEC1462552

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