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Serial Number Search Help
Serial Number Search Help

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Serial Number Search Help

Any desktop computer and most notebook computers purchased from RM will have a unique RM serial number.

It is very important that when you search for articles specific to your system, you use the correct serial number. Articles returned will all be relevant to your computer as it was originally shipped.

From February 2008 a page dedicated to a single machine was created, the 'My Computer' tab. This page gives far more detail than the original Serial Number search in the Knowledge Library and is recommended as a better alternative.

For RM computers:

  • The number needed for a computer specific search is the serial number. This can be found on your system.
  • The serial number is always 2 letters followed by 8 digits - each serial number is unique.
    • For example: 
      • Serial Number
        • Please note:  TO and WO are letters (ie WO stands for "Work Order" not 'W zero'). Some computers have a prefix of MO.

Where can I find the Serial Number?
The serial number can be found on one or more labels on your system:

  • The back of the computer (or underside of a notebook).
  • If your computer was purchased after July 1998 it may also have a silver label on either the left or right hand side of the case.
    Inside the battery compartment of your notebook.
  • It may also be displayed on the General page in System Properties (Start Menu - Control Panel - System) of your Microsoft® Windows® system.

In addition it is recorded:

  • In the C:\RMEQUIP.LOG file (Equipment Log) on your factory installed hard disk.
  • Part Numbers (sometimes known as model number) are also used on our Web site in the format of nnn-nnn (eg 16S-455 is the same as 16S455).
  • For more information on the serial number, model number and equipment log, please refer to TEC9819.
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